Der ideale Standort für deinen Indoor-Garten

The ideal location for your indoor garden

It's almost time - you'll soon be able to grow your own vegetables at home! But before you start, it's important to remember that the right location for your indoor garden can play a crucial role in the success of your harvest. Here are a few tips to help you find the perfect spot for your Everleaf Garden.

temperature and humidity

Make sure that the location of your Everleaf Gardens has a constant room temperature between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius. These temperature ranges are optimal for planting all the plants at the same time and promoting their healthy growth. As for humidity, it is not quite as important as temperature. As long as conditions are neither too dry nor too humid, your plants should have no problems.

water and electricity supply

The Everleaf Garden needs to be refilled with tap water regularly, so it's advisable to place it near a water source. You'll also need to clean your system from time to time, so it helps if there's a bathroom or sink nearby. Make sure there's an electrical outlet within reach to run the indoor garden.

protection against pests

Although the likelihood of pest infestation is significantly lower indoors than in the garden, it can never be completely ruled out depending on the location and time of year.

Ideally, place your Everleaf Garden in a room that is not used frequently and can be closed off. The more secluded the location, the less likely it is to attract pests. Avoid placing it near windows that are often opened, as this could make it easier for unwanted visitors from outside to enter.

If you have pets, place the Everleaf Garden out of their reach, as animals that enjoy being outdoors could also bring pests into the house.

light and sounds

Direct sunlight is not a problem for the plants and can even reduce the amount of time the system needs to be exposed to light. Also remember that if the indoor garden is in the bedroom, the LED light, which is on for 16 hours, and the occasional noise from the system can be disturbing.

Regular inspection

Choose a location that you visit regularly to make sure your plants are doing well. Although we recommend a sheltered location, it's important to keep an eye on the plants.

With these simple tips, gardening at home will be child's play and will hopefully bring long-lasting joy.